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Puntuació mitjana 252 Ressenyes
emma Palmiste ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) I loved this Korean restaurant, the food is very good, affordable budget, great service. (Original) J'ai adoré ce restaurant coréen, on.y mange très bien, budget accessible, service super.

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Simon ha valorat a Google

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Arthur Maillard ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant. Nice atmosphere and warm welcome. Starters are excellent and light. The BBQ plates are very nice and delicious, a bit small for one person. The grill experience is very nice and friendly, especially on the round tables... The bill is a bit expensive for the quantity, but the quality is very good... (Original) Très bon restaurant. Ambiance sympa et accueil chaleureux. Les entrées sont excellents et légères. Les assiettes de BBQ sont très belles et délicieuses, un peu petit pour une personne. L'expérience grill est très sympa et conviviales, surtout sur les tables rondes... La note est un peu chère pour la quantité, mais la qualité est très bonne...

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Sergio Bravo ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) I was very surprised to eat there, I did not think that I would eat delicious and at a lower price than the rest of the restaurants in the area. The menu cost 13 euros per person and I was satisfied. In the surroundings the menus cost between 17 and 20 euros. (Original) Me sorprendió mucho comer allí no pensé que comería rico y a un precio menor que el resto de restaurantes de la zona. El menú costó 13 euros por persona y me sentí satisfecho. En los alrededores los menús costaban entre 17 y 20 euros.

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Denisa Oros ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious ! (Original) Délicieux !

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Celine ha valorat a Google

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Luc Zhu ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very good, good quality food and very courteous staff, thank you for this meal! (Original) Très bon, cuisine de bonne qualité et personnel très courtois, merci pour ce repas !

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Alexia Zhu ha valorat a Google

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Quan Cai ha valorat a Google

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Mi Cai ha valorat a Google

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Avís legal

20 Rue des Lombards
75004 Paris, France

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per OKO
