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Puntuació mitjana 252 Ressenyes
胡建良 ha valorat a Google

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Emma Krl ha valorat a Google

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Silver Tongues Studio (LuoiBac.Studio) ha valorat a Google

Nice staff and acceptable food with reasonable price.

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Caroline Alzieu ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Great BBQ! We had a great time, nicely decorated. Fast and pleasant service (Original) Super barbecue ! On s’est régalées , joliment décoré. Service rapide et agréable

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Stephane ha valorat a Google

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LE BANSAIS Alexa ha valorat a Google

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Victoria Bitoun ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) We were warmly welcomed, and we were not disappointed with the meal! the meat was tender, and the marinades spicy as we like, neither too little nor too strong. The big wheel of meat is super friendly for an evening with friends (Original) Nous avons été chaleureusement accueillis, et nous n'avons pas été déçus du repas ! la viande était tendre, et les marinades pimentés comme on aime, ni trop peu, ni trop fort. La grande roue des viande est super conviviale pour une soirée entre amis

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jianxiao lin ha valorat a Google

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Kaoping Cai ha valorat a Google

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Shahin Bapary ha valorat a Google

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Avís legal

20 Rue des Lombards
75004 Paris, France

Lloc web fet amb
per OKO
